

Which mindsets you should have to get success ?

   Which mindsets you should have to get success?

Mindset plays an important role in our life. It's very important for our success and failure in our life. Positive mindsets are responsible for our success, achievements. We can struggle for our achievements, success and this is powered by a positive mind only. A negative mind can not allow you to struggle or giving efforts. A positive mind helps you to think differently and allow you to give efforts, do struggle to achieve your goal. So mindset plays an important role in our daily achievements and lifestyle. 

Your mind only drives you. It can drive you towards negative or positive thinking. Success,  failure totally depends upon our own thinking, accordingly you take decision and get the result. You believe or not, mindset is all about in our life. In everyday life, we are only doing those things which our mind permits.  It plays an important roll in our life. We have two mindsets, growth mindset and Fixe mindsets. 

I have inspired by the book " mindset " written by the Author Carol Dweck. Dweck expressed that, people who have a growth mindset or positive mindsets can easily develop their intelligence, talent & reinforced by way of commitment and hard work. Opposite side others with a fixed mindset accept that the intelligence, talent, etc..are the inborn qualities and can't be changed. 

People who are eager to learn new things, ready to accept challenges, they all are having growth mindsets. Growth mindsets people having the burning desire to learn, do hard work, and try to find out new opportunities, innovate new things, do struggle to find out the solutions and they only get achievement or success. Multiple failures are not the road blocker for them rather than they take that failure as a challenge, learning and try to find the way out till the time they get their desire outcome. Take an example - We all know about Thomas Edison invention and how many attempts he made for his innovation. " As an inventor, Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts to invent the light bulb". 

                                      Mindset Matters.  

Behind every successful person, mindsets play a vital role. What you believe about yourself its deep impact on your success or failure. A strong mindset can develop a strong belief. Change of mindsets helps people to get success. " As per Standford psychologist " these mindsets shifts make you happier and more successful" Brain's natural tendency is to focus on negative, but if you can try to look the world in a positive attitude then you will be happier and will get success.

A lot of examples on this, you can take Albert Einstein and Jack Ma of Alibaba are the prime example of using this mindset to get a successful carrier, refer to the book " The Happiness Track". In this book, author Seppala talks about " negative Bias " the psychological tendency of most people. She referred As far as our mind is concerned bad is stronger than good" Seppala says we should learn how the brain works. As per Author Seppala Brain is like plastic, men learn and grow from the experience. You can learn anything and become good at that. 

"Mindset more than inborn talent, Change your  mindset to get success"

I think I will not be wrong if I say that the mind plays an important role in our life for success and failure. Success can only come through a positive mindset. We are struggling through our entire life to make us successful but never think about our mindset which only driving us towards success or failure. Our mind only drives us towards success or failure depend upon our own thinking.

This is an open secret in which some people understood that and achieved their success. You believe or not, mindset is all about in our life. In your daily life, we are doing many things which our mind permits us to do that or which we like to do. Our mindset plays an important roll in our life. We have two mindsets, growth mindset and Fixe mindsets.   

Inspired by the book “ mindset “ written by Carol Dweck (Author ). 

Dweck expressed in this book that, the people who having growth or a positive mindset can easily develop their intelligence, talent, and reinforced by way of commitment and hard work. However, others with a fixed mindset believe that intelligence, talents, etc.. qualities are inborn and can not be changed.

Growth or positive mindset people are eager for new learning, ready to accept any challenges. They have a burning desire to learn, work, and try to find out new opportunities and act on that. These people always ready to accept any challenges. Multiple failures are not a failure to them rather than failure they take as learning and try to find out a new way of achievement. They are never giving up. If they fail they try to find out an alternative way or innovate or find out new opportunities to achieve their goal.

To develop a growth mindset, Psychologist Carol Dweck (Author ) referred to 4 steps process. If you have a growth mindset or a positive mindset then any kind of personal success is achievable. All people want personal success and want to learn the keys to success. They all want to have a happy, healthy life, do meaningful work, enjoy a great career and want to be rich. Everyone wants to make a difference in the world, to be significant, to have a positive impact on those around him or her. Everyone wants to do something wonderful with his or her life. If you are among them you have to be a positive mind or growth mindset. I understood that the keys to success to develop a growth mindset or a positive mindset. 

If you have a growth mindset then a single piece of information, or a single idea at the right time, that can change your life in the right situation. You have to listen to your positive mind you have to explore, do hard work on that idea, you have to find out the opportunity, innovate and work hard behind that idea till the time you achieve the success. As I understood that many ideas come to our mind, but those who are positive-minded people can only start working immediately on that idea. They can visualize their dream getting success through that idea and they start acting on that. Dream drives our positive mind to explore new ideas to work towards success. If you can visualize your dream your mind will help you to innovate, help you to find out the new opportunities for your success.  If you can follow these tips, you will be able to take control of your life and achieve your goals.

Mindset is what you believe whether its qualities such as intelligence, the talent which is fixed or changeable character. People with a growth mindset, believe that intelligence, talent can be developed and reinforced by way of commitment and hard work. Others with a fixed mindset believe that these qualities are inborn, fixed, and unchangeable. Psychologist says two types of mindsets are there, As per their research on it and as per them, if you give kids a different problem to solve what will happen? Some children will take it a problem as a challenge and learning experience. Whether on the other hand, some children will take as an impossible task to solve and their intelligence got held up. The kids in the first group had growth mindsets. When they faced something difficult, they believed that they can learn and develop the skills to solve it. The second group of kids having fixed mindsets, which they believe that its impossible they can not tackle this problem as it's out of their reach of knowledge and abilities.

              How Mindset effects in life?

 Mindset plays a very critical role in life. In school, a growth mindset helps students to achieve their highest success. When people are searching for a job and facing criticality to get a job, a growth mindset people show greater resiliency. A growth mindset people more likely to persist the setbacks, but people with a fixed mindset can not stand in that situation and give up. Growth mindset people are hunger for learning. They have a desire to learn, work hard, and try to find out new options. They use to be very positive thinking people. They are always ready to take a challenge. People with a growth mindset are innovative and if they try and fail, they never give up rather they try to learn from the failure and take another chance.

Psychologist Dr.Carol Dweck (Author ) described two mindsets in his book “ Mindset” as below : 

To develop a growth mindset, Psychologist Carol Dweck (Author ) referred to 4 steps process. If you have a growth mindset or a positive mindset then any kind of personal success is achievable. Psychologist Dweck, Created Four easy steps. Once anyone can identify and area of life where he had a fixed mindset, he can apply those principles and can improve towards a growth mindset. 

As per Carol Dweck, he referred, to grow the mindset psychologist says 4 steps to increase self-belief and motivation:

Step 1: You have to learn to hear your fixed mindset inner dialogue voice. “Maybe you don’t have the talent?”, “You’ll fail.”

Step 2: You need to recognize your choice. How you respond to challenges, setbacks & criticism is your choice.

Step 3: think it as a growth mindset voice. ”Most successful people had failures on their way,” “if I don’t try I automatically fail.”

Step 4: Think about how to act as a growth mindset approach, like take challenges with wholeheartedly and learn from setbacks and try again.
Here we can understand that without a growth Mindset we cannot get success in our life. We have to change our minds from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. You can refer to the book for a more detailed understanding.

Reference :
Inspired by the book “ mindset “ written by Carol Dweck (Author )

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